Do you have pain in your lower left abdomen, stomach pain, or pain in your lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea? These symptoms I listed off could be from diverticulitis. Acupuncture and TCM can help relieve diverticulitis pain, and can help restore normal bowel function.
Diverticulitis is known as small sacs or pouches of tissues inside the large intestine, most times they are in the colon (colonic diverticulitis), which is called "diverticula". Diverticulitis occurs when the condition's sacs are inflamed and infected. Diverticulitis can cause pain and other symptoms such as bloating and pain in the left side of the abdomen that can feel better once you release gas or have a bowel movement.
Diverticulitis is more common and is more predominant in older people, half of the people showing signs of diverticulosis are over the age of 60. Science has not proven why people develop diverticulosis, but they believe it could be from a diet of low fiber, and high in fatty foods like red meat. But, it could also be from being overweight or obese, smoking cigarettes, and regular use of anti-inflammatory medications, or OTC (over-the-counter), pain medications (NSAIDS) may be factored in the development of diverticulitis.
People have diverticulosis but don't realize they have it because they haven't developed symptoms. The only people who know they have diverticulitis when they have symptoms because the diverticula becomes infected and inflamed and that's when treatments become necessary. Acupuncture can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the colon.
What are the symptoms of diverticulitis?
The symptoms of diverticulitis are believed to be caused by a few undigested foods or stool that becomes trapped inside one of the diverticula, and then bacteria starts to grow, causing it to be infected.
1) Abdominal pain or cramping is typically in the lower left of the abdomen. The pain can come and go or be constant.
2) Nausea and/or vomiting
3) Fever and/or chills
4) Constipation or diarrhea
5) Rectal bleeding, bloody stool
Diverticulitis can cause a lack of appetite and weight loss. It can lead to serious complications, like an abscess, or perforation of the bowel wall. These kinds of complications may require surgery.
What is the treatment for diverticulitis?
For the diagnosis of diverticulitis, the doctors will check for signs of tenderness, and they will order tests (blood tests, urine tests, and/or stool tests. They will rule out the other problems, a CT scan may show the diverticula infected sacs/patches in the large intestinal lining to become worse.
Since diverticulitis is caused by an infection, they will normally give antibiotics, along with rest and pain relievers. The doctors may have you do a liquid diet until the situation improves. They may recommend that a person quit smoking (if they smoke) and make changes in the foods they eat: especially eating less meat and fatty foods and increasing fiber. Acupuncture can offer an alternative or adjunct treatment for diverticulitis that can help reduce inflammation in the bowel and relieve abdominal pain.
Can acupuncture help with diverticulitis?
Your acupuncturist will make a TCM diagnosis based on where and what kind of abdominal pain and other symptoms of diverticulitis a patient is experiencing. TCM theory, the pain, and problems with the digestive organs can be related to both stagnant Qi (life energy) or blood in the area, and the presence of a pathogenic force like dampness, heat, or cold.
The acupuncturist practitioner will help relieve symptoms like nausea, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and stomach pain, while also helping to heal and strengthen the lining of the intestines and reduce inflammation. Can help boost immune function will help prevent further infections.
While you can increase your intake of fiber and fluids is important, there are more specific foods that can trigger the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal system, which can create excess heat or dampness in the internal organs. The person with diverticulosis to make changes in their diet. TCM views all foods as having properties that either cool or warm the body. Your acupuncturist will let you know what foods to eat.
Acupuncture can help provide a way to help treat abdominal pain and gastrointestinal disorders of all kinds.