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Achy Joints


Are you waking up stiff in the morning or wonder why your knees hurt when you stand up? Having lower back pain that just shows up whenever and disappears, pain in your hands and fingers, pain in your feet and toes. All of those aches and pains could be a signal that you have arthritis. Arthritis is a degenerative inflammatory disease that attacks the joints in particular, causing symptoms of stiffness, swelling, pain, and loss of normal range of motion.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture cannot only help relieve the pain and inflammation of arthritis, but they can help you regain and maintain your freedom of movement. Arthritis is mainly common in elderly people, but rheumatoid arthritis can occur in young people as well. TCM methods help keep the joint tissues sturdy, and flourishing, reduce inflammation, and help prevent further damage due to osteoarthritis. There are autoimmune disorders that are undetermined by modern medical science, which includes rheumatoid arthritis, which has been happily managed by acupuncture and herbs for centuries.

What causes arthritis?

Arthritis pain can be caused by an extreme number of different factors. The most common contributor to osteoarthritis is normal wear and tear on the joints over many years which reduces the amount of cartilage between the bones in key areas. The body's immune way to respond to certain bacterial and viral infections can also cause swelling in the joints; this is called reactive arthritis.

What are the 10 types of arthritis?

There are over 100 different types of arthritis. But here are the most common types of arthritis include:

1) Osteoarthritis also known as degenerative arthritis

2) Rheumatoid arthritis- an autoimmune disorder that attacks antibodies in the tissue lining around joints

3) Psoriatic arthritis- inflammatory arthritis that occurs in about 30% of people who have psoriasis of the skin

4) Ankylosing Spondylitis- an inflammatory disease that starts in young adulthood

5) Gout- a form of metabolic arthritis

6) Infectious arthritis- swelling of joints that can be caused by the invasion of bacteria or a virus

7) Reactive arthritis- an acute form of infectious arthritis caused by bacterial infection

8) Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)- an autoimmune disease that can cause swelling in connective tissues of the joints

9) Fibromyalgia- brain amplifies the perception of pain in joints and muscles

10) Juvenile arthritis or Childhood arthritis- experienced by a child

What are the top 5 symptoms of arthritis?

1) Pain in joints

2) Stiffness

3) Swelling in joints

4) Reduced range of motion

5) Fatigue

Acupuncture treatment combined with Chinese herb supplements can help alleviate symptoms due to different types of arthritis and may be able to reverse and prevent further damage to the joints.


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