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Looking into a relationship in the Shen and heart


Are you having difficulties focusing, remembering tasks, or organizing your thoughts? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Acupuncture can help enhance your brain power through a treatment approach that embodies different modalities, including nutritional support.

Correspondent to Oriental medicine the spirit (Shen) embodies consciousness, emotions, and thoughts. Shen influences long-term memory, and the ability to think clearly contributes to wisdom, and presides over activities that involve mental and creative functions. When the mind is healthy, we are able to think clearly. When the mind is unhealthy or unbalanced we experience confusion, poor memory, and clouded thinking.

Have you looked at someone and thought something doesn't seem right? It could be the person "Shen". I'm reminded of this when I watch mystery shows or movies and somewhere in the movie they will show this image, not sure how they get the actor/actress to portray this scene or show an actual photo of this person, but it can be pretty unsettling.

The heart is the Emperor in Chinese Medicine, and it houses the Shen (mind). The heart and mind are interlinked together and control our thinking, giving us a consciousness to know the difference between right and wrong actions, The Shen allows a person to choose his or her path in life to become their "authentic self". The Shen plays a role in higher mental function including the intellectual and spiritual aspects of consciousness and it allows the ability to perceive, interact and communicate with our world clearly.

Shen can be seen in a person's eyes. A healthy Shen exhibits bright, shining eyes with a desire for life. An unhealthy Shen shows dull eyes as if no one is here. Sometimes an unhealthy Shen may be caused by long-term emotional issues or by a serious shock. When the Shen resides in the blood of the Heart at night; if it is anchored we sleep peacefully. If the Shen is unstable to rest in the Heart at night one may experience insomnia or disturbed sleep.

A balanced and healthy mind involves harmony between the brain (sea of marrow) and the spirit (Shen). An unbalanced and unhealthy mind often manifests as anxiety, insomnia, muddled thinking, forgetfulness, and chronic restlessness. Meditation, acupuncture, physical activities, such as Tai Chi or Qi Gong, and the right foods, can balance and strengthen the mind.

Getting the right nutrition can help boost your brain power. It's not only essential for overall physical health, but it can also enhance the function and harmony of the mind. Eating the right foods can enhance brain function by providing essential nutrients such as Omega 3's, vitamins, folate, and iron which are great for improving the quality and quantity of learning capacity, cognitive abilities, memory, and overall brain functions.

Foods that can help with your brain's health and function:

  • Blueberries

  • Fish

  • Leafy green vegetables

  • Seeds

  • Nuts

  • Whole grains

The most common Heart presentations are anxiety, excessive dreaming, insomnia, or depression. The more severe presentations include delusional or manic behaviors. The emotions associated with the heart are joy and overjoy (think manic energy).


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