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Week 4- Kidney


Kidneys and how the emotions affect them

The kidneys are located approximately at about the 11th or 12th rib space on each side of the spine and are roughly the size of a closed fist and shaped like a bean.

Some of the functions of the kidneys in Oriental Medicine theory

• store the Essence and govern birth, growth, reproduction, and development.

• Determines our constitution, strength and vitality in life

• controls the bones

• produces brain marrow

• open in the ears

• control the reception of Qi (our inate energy)

• govern water and distributes it to some of our vital organs for their proper function or sent out as waste when no longer needed in the body

• kidneys control the “gate of life” MING MEN fire

related to the original Qi: in men it stores the essence (jing) and in women it is connected to the uterus.

If any of these are imbalanced, one may see developmental disorders especially seen in children infertility, premature graying of hair, tooth loss, low libido, low back pain, enuresis (bedwetting) or incontinence, feeling of cold, tinnitus or hearing loss

The emotion associated with the Kidneys is fear. It can be derived from lack of security to a trauma or shock one may have experienced. Fear descends the Qi (energy) which can cause nocturnal enuresis in children and incontinence of urine or diarrhea in adults following a sudden fright.


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