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Week 5- Heart


The Heart is the last organ discussed in this blog that we have been discussing in regard to the emotions and how these emotions can affect our health either mentally or physically.

The emotion associated with the Heart is Joy.

On a physical level the heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. On a metaphysical level, it gives us the ability to love and exhibit happiness. In Chinese medicine the most important role the Heart plays is to house the Shen (spirit) which is referred to as one of the 3 treasures- it encompasses consciousness, emotions, and thought. In this respect it helps us to enjoy being in the company of others by connecting, reaching out and being of service when needed.

The heart is affected by all the emotions on some level. We discussed the Liver and how anger affects this organ; when the heart is involved one may feel a hatred toward others. The spleen is affected by worry; when this occurs and goes on too long, the heart begins to become restless and for example one may begin to experience mental restlessness or insomnia. The lungs are affected by grief- when the heart becomes involved in the grief cycle breathlessness or a stifling sensation in the chest area may occur. The kidneys are affected by fear and when the heart is involved one may feel more easily startled than others.

Heart trauma/ shock can be caused by any form of a shock such as loss of a loved one or abuse( sexually or physically) for example. When we do not deal with these traumas over time it can affect the Heart and other organs associated with emotions as they are all linked together.

Some imbalances one may experience could include:

  • loss of enthusiasm

  • mental restlessness

  • depression/anxiety

  • insomnia

  • a feeling of despair

  • easily startled

  • heart palpitation

  • excessive dreaming

  • poor memory/ concentration

  • breathlessness

  • excessive sweating not caused by exertion

Acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal formulas have been beneficial when combined together to help with these imbalances or Heart trauma/shock by helping to calm the spirit, and harmonize the organ(s) affected.


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